Nobody cares if you're not a good dancer. Just get up and dance. The same holds true for racing. Whether first or last, we all cross that same finish line. Just get out there and run.
- Dean Karnazes

Friday, July 29, 2011

Marathon Training Week 12

Monday morning was week 12's long run, and it was a doozie. Let me explain, this week I put B in a dance camp, and it's only a half day camp. So, Monday morning we both slept in and all the time I had scheduled before camp to get organized was officially out the window. We were running out the door and I was barely presentable to the civilized world but I got B to camp, but I had to get home to get my stuff and get ready for the run. By the time I started, I was an hour late from when I had planned on starting the run, but I had to get the run in anyway I could.

This run was on my own, I had a good mix of music going, and was feeling good. The heat of course was an issue but then again, it'll be an issue for a few more months so I just have to suck it up and deal with it. I was a little wary doing this run on my own, but I think it's mostly because I've never run 9 miles on my own. Obviously, it didn't kill me, but there were a few points where I had to remind myself that I didn't need someone else to push me, I could push myself. At 5 miles into the run, I frantically texted Lesley and let her know that I only had time to finish one more mile before I had to get Bella, and asked if it was ok to finish the last three on the treadmill. She ok'ed it, but told me to minimize the time between, and I busted over to camp to pick Bella up in record time and we were off to the gym. I finished the last three on the treadmill but the legs felt heavy and I was just feeling sluggish at that point, but I got it done even if I had to get a little creative.

Tuesday, I had to get a mile in, and I needed it after the Zumba class I had. I had a front row diva, who decided she was going to be a distraction during the whole class. She would stop dancing at certain points, made faces, had snide little comments, and even hid in the bathroom during one song she didn't like. I am going to talk to her about it next week if she decides to be a pain again on Tuesday. Anyways, I was fuming after class, and I didn't even run with music, I was just angry and needed to get it out.

Thursday was my speedwork day, and I was a little scared and dreaded it just a little. To make matters worse, I couldn't get it done in the morning because I had a photo shoot. Not a total loss because momma got paid, I liked getting paid, and getting paid to do something I love. Anyways, this evening I headed to the gym to get it done. I had music ready to go, but the tv on the treadmill kept me thoroughly distracted, and I needed to be distracted. I also brought an extra exercise towel to cover up the treadmill display, because looking at my speed, time and distance messes with my head, so after the warm up, I covered that puppy up. I peeked occasionally, but I really made an effort to not look and mess myself up. It was going well, and I was almost done when this guy came up behind me and scared the begabbers (Bella said that sounded better than snot). I nearly fell off the treadmill, and I scared a few people working out around me, I wish I had it on tape because I am sure it HILARIOUS. He wanted to move the fan that I had pointed at myself, I told him to take it, as long as he didn't scare me again. Anyways, I hit my pace, I had some moments where I had the urge to slow down but ultimately I finished the drill and didn't slow down.

Saturday, I have a 4 miler on the books, and I am tempted to run The People's Health Day 5K. Not sure, if it's a good idea because we have some prepping to do for B's birthday. We're having a little family get together at MIL's on Sunday and also having lunch at the American Girl store. Then on Monday, her actual birthday, she wants to watch The Smurfs movie and go to lunch with a few friends.


Anonymous said...

Keep your begabbers together next time! Bwahahaha.

I've had someone scare my while on the tread and it's hard... Elevated the heart rate, speeds up the breathing... And in the middle of speedwork it's hard to get those things back under control again.

Fruit Fly said...

Nice job getting your run in all by yourself!! ... and don't worry - I think Lesley HAS to be used to those frantic texts by now. Heck I probably drove her nuts before the Princess!

The Green Girl said...

Wow, you are doing amazing, girl! I am so impressed with your workout schedule. ::high fives::

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