Nobody cares if you're not a good dancer. Just get up and dance. The same holds true for racing. Whether first or last, we all cross that same finish line. Just get out there and run.
- Dean Karnazes

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Progress Not Perfection

I get frustrated easily if you haven't already figured it out by reading my musings. I've been running and training for the Glass Slipper Challenge, and I have seen some improvements in my running, endurance, and speed, but not what I had hoped for. To be honest, my expectations were unrealistic and those expectations sometimes kept me from really seeing the improvements that I have made. What this leads me to is the fact that I have made some improvements in CrossFit and I have sort of failed to see some of them. When I started at CrossFit PTC, I did a baseline workout, which at the time kicked my behind. This workout is revisited every few months to gauge improvements, today, we did it again. It's a testament to what's important is progress not perfection.

Here is the workout
Row 500m
40 Squats
30 Sit ups
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups

My original baseline - 9/10/13
Row 300
20 squats to a 19 inch box with a weight plate stacked on top
15 sit ups
10 push ups (banded but band color not recorded)
5 ring rows in lieu of pull ups
time: 7:35

Second time doing the baseline workout - 10/21/13
Row 500
40 squats to a 10 inch box with 2 large weight plates stacked on top
30 sit ups
20 push ups (banded, with a green band)
10 ring rows in lieu of pull ups
time: 8:40

Third time doing the baseline workout - TODAY 1/8/14
Row 500
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups (banded, with a blue band)
10 ring rows in lieu of pull ups
time: 6:55

Look at me taking baby steps towards being more awesome! Ok, brag over....

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Nope, I was lying I had to compare myself to a double rainbow first. Now, I'm done, honestly.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

I love seeing progress like that!! Another reason that I'm a big fan of taking your measurements. =) Great job!

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