Nobody cares if you're not a good dancer. Just get up and dance. The same holds true for racing. Whether first or last, we all cross that same finish line. Just get out there and run.
- Dean Karnazes

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fabulous and Fierce Friday

First things first, today is Canada Day and I have already started the festivities. I wore my Canada tank to teach my Zumba class this morning, and even I high fived a fellow Canuck at CVS this morning. If I had thought about it when I was home, I would have picked up a pack of mix for the gravy that goes on poutine. Poutine, you ask.. well, poutine is a Canadian dish that's french fries, with gravy and cheese curds.  It looks nasty but tastes so good, I'm serious.

Since, I'm talking about Canada and such here's a list of some of the many famous Canucks. Us Canadians walk among you...

And then just because I love these two videos...

Alright, on to other things. I've been sidelined from running for a while because it turns out that my ankle was sprained. Imagine how jealous I get when I see all the runners around here running and generally looking so bad ass. So, I've been doing the rehab exercises and last week I was sporting a super sexy ankle brace. What?! You didn't know that ankle braces were sexy... well, now you know. Please try not to be too jealous that I still get to rock it when I work out and that I'll have to keep wearing it when I start running again. I'm considering decorating the thing with some fabric paint and such... I'll post pictures if I do. According to the orthopedist, I can't run again until Monday, I'm a little worried about it because of course no one ever wants to re-injure themselves. The ankle thing has been a blessing and a curse. I haven't been able to run but I've been working on the weight loss thing and it's finally getting back on track. Also, because I can't teach my Zumba classes like I normally do, I've had to get creative with teaching and really work on my verbal and visual cueing without actually doing some of the things. I really feel that it's making me a better instructor and my classes have all stepped up and delivered too. Gotta love that!

Hope everyone has fun stuff going on this lovely long weekend! Now stop reading my ramblings and go enjoy a FABULOUS FRIDAY and a kick ass weekend!


Fruit Fly said...

Well Happy Canada Day to you!!
I must say I have always been fond of our neighbors to the north. I always not-so-secretly wished I was Canadian. It was so hard to be so close to Canada last weekend and still not go. I need to get my passport then high tail it up there and see the beautiful country!

Caroline said...

Happy Canada Day to you!
We posted the same clip!
I love those!

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