Nobody cares if you're not a good dancer. Just get up and dance. The same holds true for racing. Whether first or last, we all cross that same finish line. Just get out there and run.
- Dean Karnazes

Monday, June 28, 2010


My last entry was on Thursday, I am being an awful blogger. Let me catch you up on the weekend's events.

Friday - I finished day 12 of C25K, which means that today I have to move on to the "week four" program. I also went to Zumba in the morning, and Groove that evening.

Saturday- The day started with my usual Saturday morning Zumba session, which was fun until the part where I got an awful dizzy spell. I dealt with dizzy spells the rest of the day, which just plain old sucked. The good thing is that after Zumba in the morning, my husband, daughter and I went for a nice lunch and finally made it to Cochran Mill Nature Center (see this post to see the back story). It was such a pleasant afternoon out there, and while we were there we made the trek to the gorgeous waterfall there. Patrick and Bella both waded in the water, I on the other hand did not want to. This is going to sound crazy but I didn't want to walk back to the car with dirt in my socks. I know it's irrational but I am owning my crazy.

Sunday- I hit up the usual Sunday Groove class. We had a whole lot of MJ played as a tribute to the one year anniversary since his passing. When we were doing the Thriller song, all I could think of is the Thriller scene from the movie "13 Going on 30". By the way, who doesn't love Thriller?

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